Alright, last week we talked about why alcohol isn’t really your friend during fat loss. Today, we’re discussing strategies and alternatives to alcohol to make abstaining easier. Please note I’m not saying that you should just give up alcohol. I am saying that it’s easier to do without when you’re trying to lose.
Obviously, there’s a time and place to indulge. For me, that’s special occasions like my birthday, Christmas, wine tasting, brewery visiting, or celebrating occasions like the first time we bought a house, a new job etc.
But if you’re craving wine every day after work, that’s a different story. That has to do with coping with life. And you really don’t need that beer, cocktail, or daily vino to get through life. (Or you shouldn’t. If you do, that’s a serious issue. Please seek out a counseling professional.)
Here’s a few alternatives to alcohol for making giving up alcohol easier whether it’s a social situation, relaxation, or just because you like to sip on it.
In social situations:
- Water. Duh! Are you drinking enough?
- Club soda with lemon. If you love having something tasty to drink, soda water is a great substitute when everyone else is getting a drink. It makes you feel a little fancy and tastes great. Carbonated lemon water, what’s not to love?
- Diet coke in a short glass. If you’re the type that doesn’t like questions, ask for diet coke in a short class. It looks like rum and coke, so your teetotaling habits can skate on by unnoticed.
- Fruity water in a wine glass. I love to do this at family gatherings. Putting stuff in a wine glass makes you feel so sophisticated.

To relax:
- Go for a walk. Yes, the trainer in me is advocating for activity. Walks after work are so refreshing! Take time alone to clear your head and come back home relaxed.
- Take a bath. Not everyone is a bath person, but there’s something about being submerged in hot soapy water with a few candles that just exudes relaxation. If your the type that gets bored quickly (like me) try setting up your laptop on a chair so you can watch a funny show. Just be careful because water+computer does not bring anything good. Or just be simple and bring along a book.
- Do something mindless. Have some envelopes that need stuffing? A bathroom that needs painting? How about a family that needs food? Just doing something mindless can give your mind a break.
- Talk to someone. Call up an old buddy and catch up! It’s a great way to take your mind off the desire for wine (or dessert) as well as maintain friendships.

Just because you want something to sip on:
- Hot tea
- Iced tea
- Fruit smoothie
- Sparkling water muddled with mint
- Sparkling water muddled with fruit
- Cranberry juice and lime
- Apple cider
- Hot chocolate
- Tart juice
- Kombucha
- Virgin bloody mary
- Chai tea
- Lemonade (not too sweet or you’ll gulp instead of sip!)
- Italian soda