Hello lovelies!
I hope you’ve been enjoying the #whatslovely campaign as much as I have. Can’t believe we’re halfway through the week already!
Today, we’re talking about exercise. Yes, that love/hate relationship with working out. The funny thing is that everyone seems to have their own special relationship with exercise.
Some people love it, do it everyday, and can’t get enough.
Some of us hate it. Even though we know we’ll feel better, we know that it’s good for us, and we know that it’ll get us to where we need to be, we still can’t get ourselves to love working out.
Today, I want to give you permission to hate it. Well… maybe not completely. I am the one running a fitness blog after all. But you don’t have to love running. You don’t have to love CrossFit. You don’t have to love lifting weights.
BUT it is important to find some way to stay active that you love. Maybe it’s golf. Maybe it’s building furniture (yes, this is totally a workout). Maybe it’s kayaking. Or maybe it’s hiking.
So today, I’m challenging you to find a way to move your body that you love. Try a new fitness class. Go for a trail run with a friend. Join a walking book club. Or splurge on a personal trainer. Whatever it is that you try, be sure to share on Instagram or Twitter using the #whatslovely hashtag. We’ll feature you next week!
And now, I’ve got some workout wisdom by no other than the lovely Jenna from Little Green Running Shoes (cutest blog name BTW)! She’s been kind enough to provide us with a workout we can do at home too, so be sure to thank her!
Hi Fitzala readers, Jenna here from Little Green Running Shoes! Big thanks to Jenni for letting me share with you today. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a group exercise instructor, personal trainer, and runner.
I love promoting a healthy lifestyle and I love finding new ways to be active. My goal is to be active my entire life, not just to “look good” now and this has heavily influenced the types of workouts I offer or participate in. I believe in living moderately, staying active, and enjoying what I do. I try to focus on the things I can control and remain positive in the face of any adversity. Healthy living hasn’t always been easy for me, but luckily I have a fantastic role model.
My 84 year old grandpa has been playing tennis daily for decades and is the perfect example of living a balanced, healthy life. He plays every day (except if it rains) with people who are literally decades younger than he is but keeps up perfectly. He eats well, works hard, and is a poster child grandpa for healthy living. I hope to age with grace, humor, and activity just like he has.
What do I think is lovely about working out? Having the chance to improve yourself a little each day and hope that someday you can kick your grandkids’ butts in whatever activity you want to. Here’s a fun living room workout to get you started!