Everyone knows that CrossFit has taken the workout scene by storm. Now there’s even a professional league dedicated to CrossFit competitions (though it’s not associated with Crossfit).
It’s awesome that so many people are getting in to the CrossFit culture. Even if you don’t agree with the theologies of CrossFit and Paleo, the more people seeking a healthy lifestyle the better. We need all the help we can get to stay healthy and keep our bodies strong.
Another great gift that CrossFit has contributed to the health and fitness world? Accessible workouts and a change of pace. CrossFit workouts are incredibly challenging. They build muscle while stressing your cardiorespiratory system.

Most workouts in a box (a.k.a. CrossFit gym) will incorporate a weight element, since lifting heavy things is one of the core foundations of the sport. But if you’re working out at home, it can be hard to lift heavy things if you don’t have any equipment. Don’t worry, Crossfit workouts at home with no equipment can still be effective.
Whether you’re a CrossFit veteran or a curious exerciser, these workouts are great for the advanced and beginner alike. The intensity depends on how much you put in to it- how much you challenge yourself.
Let’s go over a few of the exercises before diving in to the workouts below.
If you don’t have a pull-up bar, you can do a modified version of pull-ups with your kitchen table. Make sure that you have a stable table that can support your weight, hold on to the edge, and walk your legs under the table. Contract your lats to pull your chest close to the table and then lower. If you want an actual pull-up bar, amazon has a lot of great options.
It’s a great exercise for those of us who have issues doing full pull-ups and you can progress the difficulty of the exercise by straightening your legs.
Handstand Pushups
If you can do a full handstand pushup, that is awesome. It’s a hard exercise, but great for developing shoulder strength. A modified version can be performed by placing your feet on a chair, taking away some of the weight that you have to “push up”. Just make sure that your elbows don’t flare straight out, but in a 45 degree angle towards your body.
The more perpendicular your upper body gets to the floor, the harder the exercise becomes.
One Legged Squats / Pistol Squats
A full pistol is a feat of flexibility and balance. You can do a one legged squat by holding on to a chair to help stabilize yourself. Don’t forget to keep proper form with your butt going back and down, knees tracking towards your 2nd and 3rd toe, but not significantly over your toes.
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24 CrossFit Workouts at Home
Annie- Go as fast as you can for time:
- 50 Double-unders
- 50 Sit-ups
- 40 Double-unders
- 40 Sit-ups
- 30 Double-unders
- 30 Sit-ups
- 20 Double-unders
- 20 Sit-ups
- 10 Double-unders
- 10 Sit-ups
Mary- AMRAP for 20 minutes:
- 5 Handstand push-ups
- 10 One-legged squats, alternating
- 15 Pull-ups
Angie- Go as fast as you can for time:
- 100 Pull-ups
- 100 Push-ups
- 100 Sit-ups
- 100 Squats
Barbara- 5 rounds for time, rest for 3 minutes between rounds
- 20 pull-ups
- 30 push-ups
- 40 sit-ups
- 50 squats
Half Cindy- AMRAP for 10 minutes:
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 pushups
- 15 air squats
3 rounds of AMRAP for 3 minutes, two minute rest between rounds
- 15 sit-ups
- 15 lunges
3 rounds for time:
- Run 800 meters
- 50 air squats
10 rounds for time:
- 10 pushups
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 air squats
Go as fast as possible for time:
- 21 air squats
- 21 pushups
- 15 air squats
- 15 pushups
- 9 air squats
- 9 pushups
8 rounds for time:
- 10 situps
- 10 burpees
Go as fast as possible for time:
- 100 jumping jacks
- 75 air squats
- 50 pushups
- 25 burpees
10 rounds for time:
- 10 air squats
- 10 pushups
- 10 situps
- 10 dips
20 minute AMRAP:
- 20 walking lunges
- 20 situps
- 20 pushups
- 20 squats
4 rounds for time
- 400 meter run
- 20 burpees
Go as fast as possible for time:
- 400 meter run
- 21 squats
- 21 burpees
- 15 squats
- 15 burpees
- 9 squats
- 9 burpees
- 400 meter run
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes, do the following:
- 5 push-ups
- 10 sit-ups
- 15 squats
15 minute AMRAP
- 5 push-ups
- 15 sit-ups
- 30 squats
Go as fast as possible for time:
- 50 Sit ups
- 25 tuck jumps
- 40 push ups
- 25 vertical jumps
- 30 squats
- 25 burpees
3 rounds for time:
- Run a half mile
- 30 burpees
4 rounds for time:
- 2o burpees
- 20 push ups
- 20 sit ups
- 2o squats
10 rounds for time
- 12 burpees
- 12 pull-ups
20 minute AMRAP:
- 5 pushups
- 10 sit ups
- 15 squats
20 minute AMRAP:
- 5 handstand pushups
- 10 one legged squats
7 rounds for time:
- 7 handstand pushups
- 7 squats
- 7 pull-ups
- 7 burpees
- 7 pushups
- 7 sit ups
References: The Athletic Build, LAX CrossFit, The Huffington Post